BioTech Gel Trim & Rubber Dressing

In stock - 27 items available
SKU: BT155-2
Regular price $29.95
  • Brings new life to all exterior plastic, vinyl, rubber trim such as bumpers, moldings, tires, door handles, rear-view mirror housings and windscreen cowlings. Provides protection shine and gloss to all clean plastics, tires and rubber surfaces. Leaves trim & tires looking shiny and new. Provides a long lasting shine and protection utilizing break-through UV clear coat technologies, BioTech Gel Trim & Rubber Dressing significantly outlasts conventional protect and trim care products.


  • Does not contain water
  • Pleasant fragrance
  • High gloss
  • Multi-use
  • Non-Abrasive
  • Fortified with special silicone


  1. Shake well.
  2. For better results clean Trim or Rubber with a premium cleaner like BioTech Multipurpose.
  3. Spray or wipe with a microfiber or foam applicator on surface.
  4. Allow to dry.