Biotech Acid Wheel Cleaner

In stock - 82 items available
SKU: BT102-16
Regular price $14.99
  • BioTech Acid Wheel Cleaner is an industrial strength acid based wheel cleaner is designed to clean grimy and rusty chrome and wired wheels. Nothing on the market cuts through dirt like our acid wheel cleaner. When properly diluted this acid cleaner removes brake dust, rust and road grime. Just spray on and rinse off, works even better if pressured washed off. Quickly penetrates and removes milk stone, beer stone, protein scale and hard water scale from stainless steel and other acid resistant surfaces. Use on stainless steel & all acid resident metals.


  • Warning!! Extremely Strong! (DILUTE)
  • Use on stainless steel & all acid resistant metals.
  • Highly recommended to be diluted
  • Industrial strength acid
  • Corrosive
  • Heavy on dirt, grease, & grime


  1.  Shake well.
  2.  Apply onto a sponge or directly on the acid resistant surface.
  3. Scrub the surface with a brush or a sponge.
  4.  Wash the surface with hot water or pressure washer.